Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

"In the old days, you’d have chatted up these brands with a few friends and family members. But these days, thanks to modern technology, armed with little more than a video camera, laptop, and a cell phone, anyone can spread the word about products and brand experiences to thousands, even millions, of other consumers", Armstrong & Kotler. The time have changed drastically from what they once were - our hobbies, how we communicate, and even how we carry on with our lives. With technology constantly evolving, we tend to grow as the products do too. Back in the day conversations were simple and casual, but most importantly, face to face. Now with smartphones and computers, we usually either send texts, webcam, or even just send pictures. Social Media and even technology in general has completely shaped and changed the way we as humans communicate as a whole. As far as the term 'Brand Ambassador' goes, it refers to "everyday consumers who are passionate about their products to act as part PR agents, part sales reps, and part evangelists." The goal of a brand ambassador is to "organize and supercharge consumer-to-consumer interactions about their brands." With marketers noticing the way communication has changed, how vital customer service is, and especially what other consumers think about a specific brand or product - markets want to touch on that and create something completely beneficial for their company.
Whether it's business related, or even just for kicks, Facebook is a social media outlet that a majority of us have. It's something completely free, and that everyone has easy access too. It's an easy method for marketers to get their word out about something specific to the masses. With that being said, marketers have tried to penetrate the social media website.

Week 4 EOC: Business to Business

Many people are confused as far as what 'Business to Business Marketing' means. It can be defined as "the marketing of goods and services to businesses in order to keep those companies operating", according to essortment. The most common business to business markets are manufacturers, resellers, the government, and non-profit institutions. For instance, a company that relies on numerous kinds of supplies, like fixtures, cleaning supplies to help keep their store nice and tidy, even small things like paper - other business' like Office Depot can help keep their business running, because through their business they can supply the items that are needed for the operations to fall through. Other than Office Depot, there is also Staples, GE, Home Depot, etc. The possibilities are limitless.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

Millennials (or Generation Y)

The 83 million children of the baby boomers, born between 1977 and 2000.
"One thing that all of the Millennials have in common is their utter fluency and comfort with digital technology. They don’t just embrace technology, it’s a way of life. The Millennials were the first generation to grow up in a world filled with computers, cellphones, satellite TV, iPods, and online social networks. A recent study found that 91 percent of Millennials are on the Web, making up 32 percent of all U.S. Internet users. According to another study, 77 percent of Millennials frequent social networking sites and 71 percent use instant messaging. “All generations are comfortable with technology, but this is the generation that’s been formed by technology,” says a Yahoo! executive. For them, “it’s not something separate. It’s just something they do.”18"
I would have to agree with the book's definition of my generation and our needs. I feel as if our life does revolve around technology and innovation - intentionally or not. Our generation has grown as technology has been too, and in a sense, we're really dependent on technology to do things for us, whether they're simple tasks or because we're just simply lazy. Reason being, it saves time.  We're a group that wants to save as much time, so we can use it elsewhere. Where we can take as many shortcuts as we possibly can so we can maximize our time and energy on other things.

Week 3 EOC: Making Money for Good

Baby Teresa:
"Buy once, give twice", is the quote that the company Baby Teresa follows. Baby Teresa is an online clothing company that sells organic baby apparel and accessories. What sets Baby Teresa apart from other baby clothing brands is that Baby Teresa donates an outfit to a child in need for every outfit, and with every purchased accessory, a portion of that goes to purchasing formula for babies. 
"So far we’ve made donations in over 20 countries from Peru to Indonesia, Australia to France and Uganda to Egypt to name a few. " Baby Teresa has donation sites all over the world, where the formula and baby clothes that are to be distributes are located. 
Baby Teresa was started in 2009 by Sammie Appleyard and Kristy Dunphey, who shockingly didn't have any children at the time, but now mother three between the both of them. Appleyard and Dunphey's actions and overall drive have inspired unofficial members in other countries to strive in having the brand grow - "...a new team member - Carrie Hesketh - who has been a pivotal part of our donation team (unofficially up until now) conducting three donations in her adopted home of Vietnam. Carrie's new role sees her spearheading sales into new territories for Baby Teresa. "

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 2 EOC: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

Star: Xbox 360
With Microsoft releasing some news in regards to information about the new 'Xbox 720,' it just goes to show how far the gaming console has come. As opposed to having a controller, the console provides a wristband that slides on the user, and can sense movement within the hand and fingers - even with the controller not being a glove. With such innovative technology and evolving gaming in general, it really makes Xbox in the forefront when being compared to it's fellow competitors.
Cash Cow: Playstation 3
One of the biggest attractions that Playstation 3 has over other gaming consoles is its free access to 'Playstation Network,' which is it's online gaming community. Compared to another gaming console like Xbox, playing on the internet with the Playstation is free, and Xbox requires a monthly fee.
"Consumer demand for the PlayStation 3 system, peripherals and software was very strong during the Black Friday weekend. Gamers were quick to recognize the incredible value of the PS3 with its free access to PlayStation Network, Blu-ray capabilities, and the industry's best lineup of new titles, including the critically acclaimed Uncharted 3," an SCEA spokesperson commented to IndustryGamers. With that being said, the popularity of the Playstation had only risen during the holiday season when the prices were cheaper.
Question Mark: Nintendo Wii
With the release of the Nintendo Wii, the console was almost in everyone's houses. The feature of the 'Wii-Mote' had allured many gamers into buying the new product. The games revolved around physical movements: games revolving around sports, some had incorporated adventures and zombies, and others were dancing games.Unfortunately, with the recession, the sales of the Nintendo Wii have declined. There is still interest within the console from others - the physically inactive and even people of an older age still have a tad bit of interest in the console primarily because it's different from the other consoles, and that it is interactive so that it gives it a little more of an edge compared to the other consoles. But games marketed toward the physically inactive and people of an older age is a lot more minimal, games revolving around yoga, fitness, and even trivia can only take the company so far. "We've had very good years," he said. "It's [falling demand for Nintendo consoles] part, I suppose, of the cycle. We're not recession proof. We've probably as an industry been better than other industries," Yarnton states.
Dog: Dreamcast
Sega's Dreamcast had first arrived back in 1999, and in it's time was considered innovative considering you could link the gaming system to the internet and play with numerous other players around the world. With that being said, we're in 2012 now, where online gaming is a lot more revolutionary, fast paced, and have different kinds of genres - roleplaying, first person shooters, real time strategy, and various other kinds. Dreamcast had stopped developing games in the early 2000's due to the release of other gaming consoles; their competitor(s) had blew them out of the water.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service

One time I was at Kate Spade, a designer store, shopping for a Christmas present for my Mom. I knew that my Mom liked tote bags, but I wasn’t too sure of which to get – should it be silver or black? Leather or canvas? I wasn’t too sure. It was obvious that I was a little overwhelmed and a tad bit confused as to what to get my Mom, so I was quickly approached by a sales associate. I had told her that I was looking for a Christmas present for my Mom and  that she liked tote bags. The sales associate had then showed me all of the tote bags that were really popular, offered at a great price, and in the different kinds of colors they had. She had helped me tremendously, and it didn’t even feel like she was trying to make a sale – it felt really natural. I felt like I was with a friend just having a conversation. She even shared a bit of how she was having difficulties finding a gift for her boyfriend, so in a sense we were on the same page. The manager had came out of the backroom after, greeted me, and solidified that my sale was going to be totally worth it. The book says, “If you can’t say who your customers aren’t, you probably can’t tell who your customers are.” (pg. 17) The book’s quote completely relates to me, they knew that I wasn’t there targeted customer, but they helped me find what I needed to find and made a customer out of me after; despite the purchase not being for me.

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

I’m Ediben Bilog and I’m currently a student enrolled at the Art Institute of Las Vegas studying Fashion Retail and Management. With having a job in retail coupled with learning about the industry in school, I feel like I already have a taste of my future. I skim through numerous fashion magazines like Vogue, GQ, and Elle just to name a few, and pay attention to their fashion editorials and upcoming trends – through this I become inspired constantly. If I’m not looking at fashions and trends in magazines, I’m usually checking them out in stores and feeling the garments, examining prices, and comparing the store’s apparel with others. Following other successful fashion bloggers from around the world keep excited and passionate about my field - that my dream is within arm’s reach and that it’s only a matter of time.